Eaton MTL

MTL Instruments Group

Product Documentation Index

Product Documentation Index

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Certificates for MTL5525

Product Code Certifying Authority Status Certificate Number Country/Region
MTL5525 LR Expired 10/00035 International
MTL5525 CSA Obsolete 1801596 Canada
MTL5525 ITACS Obsolete IECExITA08.0009X International
MTL5525 NCC Expired NCC 11.0484 Brazil
MTL5525 MTL Current MTL15DOC5500 Europe
MTL5525 KTL Current 14-KB4BO-0642 Korea S
MTL5525 SGS Baseefa Obsolete Baseefa07ATEX0212 Europe
MTL5525 SGS Baseefa Obsolete IECExBAS07.0068 International
MTL5525 NEPSI Expired GYJ111331 China
MTL5525 MTL Current MTL08ATEX5521X Europe
MTL5525 UL Obsolete 20140411-E120058 USA
MTL5525 PESO (CCoE) Expired P298547 India
MTL5525 FM Current FM16US0173X USA
MTL5525 FM Current FM16CA0102X Canada
MTL5525 EAC Expired TC RU C-GB.ME92.B.00731 Russia
MTL5525 NEPSI Expired GYJ16.1363 China
MTL5525 Sertium Expired TC RU C-GB.ME92.B.00096/19 Russia
MTL5525 NEPSI (CCC) Current 2020322316002300 China
MTL5525 TestSafe Current IECExTSA20.0021 International
MTL5525 SGS Baseefa Obsolete BAS21UKEX0443 United Kingdom
MTL5525 LR Current LR2349160TA-02 International
MTL5525 SGS Baseefa Current SGS23ATEX0018 Europe
MTL5525 SGS Baseefa Current IECExBAS23.0012 International
MTL5525 SGS Baseefa Current BAS23UKEX0025 United Kingdom
MTL5525 MTL Current MTL16REAMTL Europe
MTL5525 MTL Current MTL16CRDPCN China
MTL5525 MTL Current MTL17GRN5500 International
MTL5525 Intertek Current 24-09-124276_E24-09-128765_NB0007 United Arab Emirates
MTL5525 PESO (CCoE) Current P586105 India